Embracing Authenticity in the Age of AI: A Call for Balance in Education

May 3, 2023 / 6 minutes min. read

As we immerse ourselves in the era of artificial intelligence (AI), it’s worth revisiting the timeless wisdom of the 19th-century Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard. Kierkegaard believed that pursuing truth and authenticity in our lives is paramount. In the context of today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, the principle of understanding our reality holds greater significance than ever before.

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.”

As the Director of THINK Learning Studio (TLS), I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of technology in education, especially in integrating artificial intelligence (AI). As AI becomes an indispensable tool in modern curriculum design, we must maintain authenticity in our interactions and foster genuine, human-centred learning experiences.

In a world increasingly tethered to the artificial, the allure of authenticity appears to recede into the backdrop of postmodern society. Technology assumes a greater hold on our lives as we scramble for more authentic personal brands on TikTok and LinkedIn. The explosive rise of artificial intelligence potentially shapes the contours of our future; we must, now more than ever, turn our gaze towards the indispensable nature of authenticity. We must also come to grips with finding authenticity and truth, which brings much self-discovery, ultimately aids the pursuit of purpose and mastery, two essential tapestry pieces of our THINK Global School values.

At TLS, I’ve seen students embrace AI technologies, the benefits being a deeper understanding of complex subjects and engaging in meaningful learning. These advancements empower learners to think critically, collaborate effectively, and devise innovative solutions, demonstrating the transformative potential of AI in education.

While celebrating these technological achievements, we must also acknowledge the importance of human connection and authenticity in learning. AI can enhance our educational experiences, but it should not replace the vital role of individual voice. Instead, AI should be seen as a tool that augments and supports the efforts of educators and learners, providing them with valuable insights to address the problems of today and tomorrow better.

As we envision modern curriculums integrating AI, we must strike a delicate balance, emphasising the irreplaceable value of human voice and choice in education, away from AI. Educators can uniquely offer emotional support, empathy, and a nuanced understanding of experiences that AI systems have yet to replicate. We can create a more inclusive, equitable, and engaging educational landscape by fostering authentic relationships between educators and students. This was recently highlighted by the World Economic Forum’s 4.0 Taxonomy and the WEF’s Jobs of the Future Report

In the future, AI will undoubtedly play a significant role in education, and not many doubt that today. However, how we know to personalise the human journey and the learning experience is early identification of learning challenges, and timely interventions will foster equity and inclusion, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to succeed. 

Moreover, we must be mindful of potential pitfalls, such as overreliance on AI or the erosion of human connection and authenticity.

In conclusion, as we navigate this rapidly evolving landscape, it is essential to embrace both the benefits and the challenges that AI presents in education. My journey from exploring Kierkegaard’s philosophy of truth and authenticity to my current role at TLS shows me daily the importance of maintaining a balance between AI integration and human connection. 

By incorporating these advancements while emphasising authenticity, we can create a dynamic, engaging, and future-ready educational system.

Our collective responsibility is to ensure that we strike a balance between harnessing the power of AI and preserving the core of human-centred education, which is authentic and has a learner voice at the core. 

In the age of AI, Kierkegaard’s call for authenticity is more important than ever, and finding this balance will be the key to our success.



Four tips for AI balance:

  1. Prioritize human connection and empathy within curriculum design, especially within project-based learning experiences make sure EQ considerations are built into the experience. 
  2. Encourage critical thinking and open dialogue; if lesson plans have been AI-generated, don’t be afraid to veer away from these in search for authentic conversation and dialogue. 
  3. Integrate AI as a tool, not replacing your existing tools and pedagogical approach. 
  4. Foster self-expression at the core of any learning experience. 


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