Article: “Five Rules I Followed During My Years of Project-Based Learning Leadership”

August 15, 2022

Check out this recent piece by Managing Director Rus Cailey where he explores how years of project-based learning teaching helped him reimagine what it meant to teach, or what he calls “[t]he move that changed my career after years superglued to broken curriculum and pre-loaded content.”

“Suppose life truly starts at the end of your comfort zone (in the professional sense). In that case, the move towards change and a curriculum which embraces greater freedom are not just crucial for your students but for ourselves as educators. This change could also be a small step in increasing a collective movement that might stop the great teacher exodus and start to save our profession.”

Rus lays out (5) key elements for helping teachers navigate what lies ahead in this moment in time:

  1. Patience
  2. Help your colleagues see the future
  3. Stand back and let your team problem solve
  4. Encourage your teams to get out of the classroom
  5. Diversify project-based learning experiences

He suggests:

“This change could also be a small step in increasing a collective movement that might stop the great teacher exodus and start to save our profession.”

What do you think?


Photo by Tom Jur on Unsplash


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